

Mental- and health protection events with IP theoretical and practical background


Starting points of development of mental- and health protective programs using IP theory and practices resulted from those professional experiences and research proved the remarkable role of civil organizations in

  • creating chances for social groups,
  • developing social protective factors and
  • involving the necessity of qualitative increase in the field of mental- and health protection (see Maria Kopp ed. : Hungarian mental state. 2008. Semmelweis Budapest and National Program of Mental Health 2008, the Bela Johann National Program of Decade of Health 46/2003)

(Public Utility Association)

Action and experiences of experts of MIPE (Hungarian Ass. of Individual Psychology), re-founded in 1991 as member of Association of Hungarian Psychiatric Association (MPT, founded 1980), –

verified,   that for effective help of needed clients, the essential emphasis should be laid on development of abilities and skills in self-knowing, self-esteem, self-expression and problem solving capabilities especially by means of using practice-oriented and reflective aspects. Only in possessions of these qualities, the personality will be able to manage and accomplish the life tasks (Adler’s Lebensaufgaben) in good level. During the development, the created social contacts, communities, workshops build social support to strengthen coping abilities of client in fighting with stress.

Laid down in the Constitution of MIPE, tasks and action circles cover the territories of mental health protection. In this way, we try to support both our experts active in prevention, social care, information, counseling and therapy fields and our clients needing mental hygienic aid as well. Professional programs aim at developing and preserving mental health competencies.

Secondary purpose of the course events is

  • to develop coping abilities related to stress
  • to help solving life tasks and
  • to influence life style and personality capacities




Psychodiagnostic survey, study

By means of interviews, questionnaires, the measurement of psychopathological abnormalities appeared at the clients (suicidal tendencies, addiction disorder, depressive symptomsetc. ) are perfected. On the basis of results, elaboration of therapy suggestions follow. Survey may be completed (in trust) with a study of mental-hygienic state of a concrete institution too.

1. Self-knowing/ development and community-building

Method of occupations: IP oriented child play drama group, which acts positive to the personality development of child. In the child play drama (child psychodrama) J. L. Moreno—has delegated great importance to catharsis. In the „would-be space”, the child- acting through playing his/her personal story, – the participant passes through those life situations and experiences, where he/she may use and assimilate coping and correction methods. In the sorrounding of „would-be space” – the method enables the group leaders to uncover the psychological background of the problem of child and elaborate-rework his/her mental problems. In consequence, the relationships of his/her personality and surrounding will be healthier.

Prior to the occupations, anamnesis and study of his/her situation will be perfected, consultation with parents, institutional psychologists and headmasters are collected. Leaders analyze and register the events after the sessions.

After gathering experiences, the experts elaborate and evaluate them in team work, these make basis for the future therapies, building paedagogical work and parental attitudes.

Group members: 8

Age: appr/about 5-12 years

Global number of hours: 60

Setting: 2 hours per weeks or in fortnight periods

Professional conditions: Double group leadership with co-therapist

Apprecientship in IP therapy, counseling and child play drama tutorial or child play drama leader license

2. Challenge in adolescence—self-developing group for adolescents

The group enables interpretation of contacts related to life task, analysis of life-style and make acquire correction experiences. Participants reconstruct life-style problems by means of dramatic tools. Tool repertoire of child psychodrama or child play drama aim at development of both personal (individual) and social competencies.

Content of the program:

  • development of self-knowing via playing, with play, through play
  • identificative emotions, our strengths and weaknesses, and their understanding
  • development of ability for self-regulation (self-control)

which enable to manage their internal dispositions, impulses and resources

  • Development of inter-personal behavior, fitting play rules, positive attitudes towards others, acceptance of personal differences
  • As results of active training work, taking the consequence, making difference between bad and good (ethical behavior)
  • Activity within group, taking role playing in presence of others, attention during task achievement

Chances concerning progress=

– model offering

– social problem solving

– role playing, role exchange

– discussion of stories

– feeling the plus in experiencing work in group

– experience of competition, collaboration, equilibrium

Approaching the program from the aspect of child play drama. The group gives opportunity to:

  • problem solution within sheltered sorrounding
  • acquire techniques for conflict solving
  • strengthen identity
  • make conscious the positive qualities of adolescent for him/herself

Common settings make possible to give more effective answers to



family- and

school difficulies

  • Participants can learn behavior modalities enabling positive conduct both in presence and in future.

Motto or key sentence of program: „Everything is possible in another way too!” (A. Adler)

The idea of learning social abilities emerges from the assumption, that social behavior partly can be learnt, therefore learnable, using appropriate experts and experiences.

Number of group members= 12 adolescents

Age= about 13-18 years

Global number of hours: 100

Setting= 2 hours on a weekly basis or fortnights once

Professional condition= double leadership IP therapy or counselling and play drama tutor- or leader licenses

3. Training to develop self-knowing and life-style correction for adults

The aim of the program is to help adults


  • in self-knowing in choosing job with its starting difficulties and in practice and
  • in intim contacts,
  • to take self-responsibility in family role and
  • who should become capable to do effective decisions.

The individual psychology (IP) with its deep psychology roots, verbal group method and with 2 leaders possessing professional knowing and empathy motivate the activity of participants, who recall the experiences of their life and past, back to the early childhood. Group analyses the memories of the individual jointly. In common with group he/she finds the initiations, causes tasks of his/her PRESENT activities, these may be helping (adaptive) agencies or hindering (maladaptive) ones. They try to find a common life-style command in the client’s life. In the milieu of group cohesion all in reflective coexistence, the mirror-holding and the feedbacks start a process in the individual: the necessity of changing his/her life style commands and analogous reactions.

The process of psychic change is the correction of life style. In the corrected, equalized, health personality, the double aim of self-management and social usefullness will be in harmony in which the adult weighs tasks right, takes positive decisions and responsibility.

Group members: 15 adults in age

Life age: from 19 years onward

Global number of hours: 6 hours

Setting: 3 hours / per week

Professional conditions of group leaders: double leading: IP therapist, or counselor and child play drama tutorial or leader licenses

4. Play group for parent-child dyads

In the playing together child and parent, the play-out of phantasy stories make the individual memory world share and more understandable for affected participants. There will be possibilities to develop the creative self-building, the power hidden in the child and the aim is to alter the parental attitudes too. The parent-child IP play group renders eminent opportunities to strengthen and develop the mother-child and father child contacts. The IP group therapy uses psychodrama as technique which has its origin in the play of children.

Group members: 4 children and their parents (4)

Age: 8-12 years old children and adults

Global number of hours: 30

Setting= 2 hours/ week

Professional conditions of group leaders: Double leading: IP therapist or counselor and child play drama tutor or leader with licenses

5. Parent school

In this self-knowledge e.g. ability-developing program, the participants arrives at the experience and practice of encourageing paedagogical methods acquired via mental hygienic techniques and exposed within the framework of IP therapy (life-style analysis, interpretation of family constellation, dream interpretation). Tasks are: unveiling ill-aims, correction of life-style errors, seeking for cause-task finality. Therefore, possibility will be opened to develop the life-leading effectiveness of their personality and they will be able to amplify their problem-solving repertoire with new capacities.

In the progress of the course, participants have opportunities to use the acquired methods together with family members, experiences to consult and to estimate with group participants, therefore they get feedback from their personal effectiveness.

The IP based educational program compiled for the parents was inspired both from the experts of IP movement of the past and present (Adler, Dreikurs, Rattner, Spiel, Birnbaum, Walten…. and related experiences in the ICASSI summers, –Alfred Adler Summer Universities), Methodical basis were the techniques of encourageing paedagogics and group psychotherapy methods aimed at developing communities. To this belongs the „parent-education” with the Szuhanyi method practiced and taught in Hungary since 2000, by means of which experts in IP were tutored and transferring the knowledge, parents have become educated.

Number of group participants: 15 adults—in pairs of parents

Global number of hours: 30

Setting: 2 hours/week

Professional condition: double leaders, IP therapist or leader license

6. „Encourageing -paedagogics”- postgraduate training

Participants create the knowledge-basis of competency development consisted from IP theory and paedagogical attitudes that is, familiarization with the encourageing (self- strenthening) paedagogy. Lectures contain those theoretical statements related to basic psychology, which reinforce the theses of individual psychology. Practical knowledge will be acquired utilizing chances in paedagogical situation practice course by means of self-experience and knowledge + developing their own behaviour. Using analyses of case studies students will be able to exercise the active analyzing observation and cause-task-oriented behaviour.

Graduated experts prepare themselves to be consciously attentive to psychodynamic events of interactions during the educational work and focusing

  • to the signs important in maintaining healthy personality development and
  • to the risk factors and
  • to influence on various stages of prevention for the preservation of mental health- also
  • to take attention to the age peculiarities.

Basic themes:

  • Basic knowledge in personality psychology
  • Development of identity
  • Introduction into the individual psychology (IP)
  • Basic themes of IP
  • Life style analysis
  • Theory and practice of „Encourageing Psychology”
  • Theoretical basis of consultation in „Encourageing Psychology”

Group participants: 15

Global number of hours: 30

Educative level of tutors: IP therapist or counselor

7. Training for management of conflicts and aggression

In the framework of conflict- and aggression managing training elaborated for teachers chances will be opened to know the disorders of personality development, for its understanding, to uncover the causes of aggression and for training management possibilities. Direct solving methods can be taught to correct the disorder, to help for the integration in kindergarten/school.

The aim is the enhance the social competence of paedagogicians by means of which they will be able to manage their personal and social conflicts more constructively and will also be able to transfer their knowledge.

The training offers coping techniques too in order to increase the effectiveness. In one part of the practice they make themselves familiar with those activities helping the general health status (helping healthy competitions, equalizing temperamental labilities stemming from frustrations, solving tension). The other part of the course aimed at correcting impulsiveness from developmental disorders and various lack status.

Methods: psychodrama techniques, role play situation trainings, utilization of movement- and dance therapy elements, case consultations and relaxation techniques. Trainings are followed by elaboration and familiarization phases.

Training is processed in thematic blocks. After the theoretical approach the participants display the problem in situation trainings. Situation- and role playing phases are followed by training with active practical processing. During the situation training teachers can learn direct aggression managing methods and techniques. They analyze and train together the solving and managing possibilities of conflict-laden situations.

+ Postgraduate course is accredited for paedagogicians


  1. Alfred Adler’s Work, basic terms of individual psychology. The global role of aggressiveness in the life of human. Uncovering the forms of aggressive communication, its appearance in competitions, problem-solving, in ambitions, in creativity and in the sexuality
  2. The concept of aggressiveness in Individual Psychology. Dealing with situations of frustrations and various resources of aggression
  3. Phenomena of aggressiveness connecting to inferiority complex, self-worth problems, Self-imago. Aggressiveness in school, bullying, related abusive behavior: understanding related literature
  4. Social concept of IP, social feeling (Gemeinschaftsgefühl). Helping in struggle for power and/or helping the victim. Teaching relaxation techniques utilizing during tension solving.

Number of participaants in the group: 12

Number of hours: 40

Timing: 4 blocks x 10 hours

Licenseof teachers: Double group leading, teacher or counselor in IP, or psychotherapist, psychodrama leader or dance therapist

8. Supervision

The aim of the supervision is that participating experts should get experiences about an IP oriented group developing method in order to elaborate experiences during the job practice, to train in analyzing interactions, to strengthen the consciousness on the field of profession, paedagogy and psychology, and to increase self-monitoring capacity. In each case they start from the problem of a concrete professional case, of the situation offered by a case-bringer at the meetings. To the themata of the supervision belongs the professional identity itself too. Through self-reflection, the supervised colleague will be able to develop his/her personality and gains competence in the process.

Number of group participants: 12

Number of hours: 40

Timing: monthly 1x 5 hours

License of teachers: double group leadership, therapist, counselor or supervisor in IP

Study on the effectiveness of therapy, measurement of more favourable influences from the starting point till deadline, attitude studies are performed with evaluation analyses


Quality guarantee

  • collection of information with questionnaires from program participants inquiring opinions about content, organization of course, whether it fulfilled of failed the aimed targets and individual expectations
  • if the knowledges met in the program were new
  • evaluation of practical usefulness of program
  • whether the used teaching- and group leading methods were adequate
  • if the requirements in programs were executable
  • if the control of knowledge was adequate
  • how the participants evaluate the work and competency of tutors and training leaders
  • whether the material conditions (general, tools, helping leaflets, obligatory literature) were appropriate

If the evaluation of questionnaire results, according to group opinions unfitted the expectations, corrections will be made on the side of course organization. Organization of programs are perfected by experts of MIPE